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Broadcast Interview by Terence deVere White 1964

This hour long 1964 broadcast interview by Terence deVere White is the best footage of Seán MacEoin on record.  Seán never got to see this interview himself.  He was promised a copy of the interview by RTE (Irish State Broadcaster) but the recording was lost and Sean unfortunately never got the copy he was promised.  Thankfully it was found years later.

Witness Statement of General Seán Mac Eoin  for the Bureau of Military History

(click on image to open the pdf)

This witness statement consisting of 213 pages of Seán Mac Eoin's own words was written for the Bureau of Military History in 1957.  It is a compelling read with vivid accounts of Seán s formative years, participation in the Irish War of Independence, his capture, subsequent trial and eventual release in 1921.

The second document contains the appendices.

Sean McKeon, Blacksmith of Ballinalee
Sean McKeon, Blacksmith of Ballinalee

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