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Poster for the Commemoration
Councillor Michael Carrigy
Lt. Col. York
Seán Mac Eoin (nephew)
Nephews and Nieces
Grand Nephews and Nieces
Relatives at the opening ceremony
Display Panel
Display Panel
Seán's jacket
Close up of bullet hole
Seán's Uniform
School Projects
School Project on display
School Project on display
Name plate at the forge
The Forge
At the Forge
Blacksmith's Anvil
Blacksmiths fire
Bellows in the Forge
Blacksmith's tools
Blacksmith at work
Operating the bellows
Blacksmith's work
Modern day Blacksmiths
At the forge
New Shoes
Shoeing the horse
Ciaran Mac Eoin
Auxilliary Officer
Ready for the ambush
Black and Tan
Auxiliary with .303 round
Ambush aftermath
Young Volunteer
Enjoying the event
Family day out
Under arrest?
Introducing the speaker
Mr. Martin Morris
Vote of Thanks
Audience at Lecture about Seán
Audience discuss lecture
Under Cover
Before the unveiling
Relatives enjoying the day
Army Band
Inspecting the Guard of Honour
Councillor Michael Carrigy
Guests of honour
Taoiseach's speech
Paying Respect
Seán Mac Eoin (nephew)
Laying of a wreath
Raising the Tricolour
Having a good time
Hi five!
Marching Band
Having as ball!
The Tynan Family
Devaney Family
John Murphy
Lieutenant General Seán Mac Eoin

© 2022 - John Murphy "This site is protected by copyright. It is published by John Murphy (the author) and may not be reproduced other than when downloaded and viewed on a single PC for private use only. It is not to be otherwise reproduced or transmitted or made available on a network without the prior written permission of the author.  The names and logos identifying this site are owned by the author.  The author accepts no responsibility for any loss or liability which may arise from reliance on information or expressions of opinion that are contained in this site.  The information and expression of opinions that are contained in the site are not intended to be a comprehensive study.  Links to other sites are provided for information only. The author takes no responsibility for material found on them."

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